CHRISTIANAll things are illuminated in the light of Christ. As a result, everything about our school's culture—from what we teach to the way we teach—strives to be shaped by the way of Jesus and by the riches of the Christian tradition. LLS seeks to cultivate in students not only knowledge but also Christian character and virtue.
CLASSICALClassical education recognizes that the goal of education is to form students who know how to think and are shaped by a love of truth, goodness, and beauty. LLS strives toward this high standard with a curriculum centered around the study of Latin and the great civilizations of Athens, Rome, and Jerusalem.
TRADITIONALIn a traditional classroom, students are led into truth and understanding by wise teachers with a deep love and understanding of their subject. As a result, students first receive the wisdom of the past—from great thinkers and great books—then learn to claim it as their own and let it shape the way they see the world.
MISSION STATEMENTLexington Latin School provides an affordably priced classical Christian education for Jr. Kindergarten through 12th grade that rises to the high standards of traditional education. We seek to form students intellectually and spiritually into the image of God, empowering them to serve His kingdom and His mission, based on the moral tenets of the Faith in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible.
TEACHING PHILOSOPHYClassical Christian education is the passing on of the wisdom of the Christian west, the knowledge of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, by means of thoughtful, teacher-oriented instruction, in order to instill wisdom and virtue, so that the student may truly understand and serve the world well to the glory of God. Our classical Christian model provides continuity of curriculum and mastery of learning.
We would love for your family to join our school's pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. So go ahead, apply today.