A TYPICAL DAY AT JR. KEach day we have recitation, calendar, bible, and phonics first thing in the morning. Students then have P.E. for 30 minutes. We have show and tell, letter-of-the-week crafts, and math before lunch. We eat lunch together. In the afternoons, we have a theme for the month and an author or artist study for which we read books, draw in our narration journals, make crafts, write stories, and create artwork. Students also have recess and rest time every day.
CURRICULUMJr. Kindergarten at LLS is more than a preschool. We teach the following subjects and skills in our program:
AGE REQUIREMENTSLLS Jr. K serves families and children who will turn five during the school year or who potentially could go to Kindergarten but need an extra year to mature. Students should be four years of age by August 1 of the calendar year attending. If the birthday is later than May 31st, the student can be tested and accepted on an individual basis. |
For more information about our Jr. K program, please contact us at:
(859) 940-7485 or [email protected]
(859) 940-7485 or [email protected]